Urban Worm Bag

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Today I am going to do a review on one of my favorite worm bins or really bags the Urban Worm Bag. This is a really low cost but great quality option for an inside worm bin.

The Urban Worm Bag is a hanging bag system for holding your worms to make quality worm castings. It is a fairly large system holding up to 120 lbs and comes with a very simple to assemble metal frame instead of plastic pvc or even no frame at all. This is a very nice hanging bag system that fixed everything about hanging systems I did not like. It does not dry out like most hanging bags made from material but instead keeps perfect moisture levels for happy worms and quality castings. My favorite thing is that it has a quality zipper on the lid allowing me to close it up without worms escaping and still get good air flow. This feature makes the Urban Worm Bag perfect for blue worms.

One of the best things about this bin is that it is a flow thru bin or CFT. This allows you to top feed the bin and harvest from the bottom without disturbing your worms doing all the work which is great to keep production going. The low price and high quality of this bin makes in easy for me to say this is the best bin for the buck on the market today. I have been running mine for well over a year and probably closer to two years now and I am very happy with it. I have the first model that came out and I know some people had probably with the zippers during harvesting but I still have not had any problems with mine. The new models have dealt with these problems by making slight changes to the design and improved an already great product. I have not seen a better option for small scale home worm bag or bins on the market and in my opinion you will have to step up significantly in price to find anything better and even then you could just run multiple UWB for the price one of those bins. I run raking systems with trays, several worm wigwams and the UWB and I can tell you that the only bin I never worry about and that gets forgotten about when I don’t have time to get to everything is the UWB. I will go several weeks or longer without even checking on the bin with no worries and never any problems. It will always keep perfect moisture and unless you some how manage to kill the worms they don’t go anywhere. That is a big improvement over other options that I have used that need to be checked at least weekly.

Here is a video I did checking my bag. Urban Worm Bag - YouTube

For additional information or to place an order for your own Urban Worm Bag click here. Urban Worm Bag


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